
Do not hesitate to make your comments and suggestions, to ask questions or to provide answers, to report bugs on these forums. It is the preferred way for communicating with Paul Glagla and other digital video enthusiasts who visit this site.

    • Forum
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    • Forum about ImageGrab
      The ImageGrab Forum is dedicated to discussing this Paul Glagla's software. If your question or comment  does not concern directly ImageGrab, please focus on other forums.
    • 4
    • 12
    • 1 year, 3 months ago

      M D

    • Forum about FixMKVGaps
      The FixMKVGaps Forum is dedicated to discussing this Paul Glagla's software. If your question or comment  does not concern directly FixMKVGaps, please focus on other forums.
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    • No Topics

    • Forum about Digital Video
      The Digital Video Forum is dedicated to discussions on other digital video topics than Paul Glagla's software. If your question is related directly to one of Paul Glagla's software, please focus on the forum concerned.

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    • No Topics

    • Programming with delphi
      The Delphi Programming Forum is devoted to general discussions on how to program digital video applications with the excellent personal delphi 7 software launched by Borland. If your question is directly related to one of Paul Glagla's softwares, thank you to privilege the forum concerned. If it concerns the video in general and not the programming under Delphi, privilege the forum dedicated to the Digital Video.
    • 1
    • 1
    • 4 years, 3 months ago
