Reply To: Can I really adjust when Inlay displays?
Paul Glagla’s contributions › Forums › Forum about DVdate › Can I really adjust when Inlay displays? › Reply To: Can I really adjust when Inlay displays?

So, DVDate 7x inlay custom settings works, but 8.x does not. I did look at .ini files to see if different, but looks like big overhaul between versions. But maybe inlay settings got typo/overlooked in .ini readings???
dvdate 7x .ini file:
When Incrust=2
Duration of overlay=8
What Incrust=0
is Incrust On=0
dvdate 8x .ini file:
WhatIncrust=0 (no spaces in variable now)
WhenIncrust=2 (no spaces in variable now)
DureeIncrustation=8 (now same setting as before but in French, lol, I got translation)
displayinlay=False (new settings)
editinlay=False (new settings – I did customize time to 8 secs
and wrote out inlay file before this, so not sure if
this is overwriting my custom settings?)
Not sure if helpful, but I looked to see if I could just change setting in .ini file manually and run latest version to get to work. I will not even try because it looks like 8x is looking for different settings now. Will stick with version 7.22 to do inlays at each new scene or day on huge avi files. Hopefully will not have to switch to 8x just to use other features… And hoping if you still edit this code that this is helpful. I haven’t written real code in 20 yrs, lol. But it’s like riding a bike, right? But I have my a solution for now to get me thru my project and maybe this will help others. And hopefully you won’t shut down other people’s sharing of other versions of your code. Because then we don’t have to wait for freeware to fix to get workaround… Thx! 🙂