DVdate published

I published yesterday and today a page on my DVdate software. This is one of the oldest of my software, devoted to AVI files and especially to Avi DV files, which are hardly available at this time.

One of the main points of interest of avi DV files was that they contained in each frame of the video the date and time of the capture, what I call the datecode. They also contain the timecode which is the position of the image on the DV tape (a magnetic tape where information was stored digitally). Do not confuse the timestamp which is the position of the image in the file on the computer, and the timecode which is its position on the tape.

What made DVdate so successful is that I’ve been able to master datecode and timecode and use them for all sorts of purposes: display them in real time while the video is playing, embedding them hard or in overlay in the video, rename the file using them etc …
Another interest of DVdate is related to the scn files: it is a file format containing data about the scenes from the video, a format which had been used mainly by Pinnacle Studio. DVdate knows how to provide such files, and then offers a whole range of functions related to scenes cuttings from the video.

DVdate still seems useful today to those who want to store their DV tapes intelligently, since from time to time I am asked for a licensed version.
The 8.0.x version I posted on my new site does not change DVdate’s internal engine, but has completely restructured the interface to give the user a better experience. Like any new version, it may still have some bugs, but this version seems to me already deserve to be the recommended version.

Note that I have not written nor published DVdate’s documentation yet. For now the old help pages of DVdate 7.x.x remain online, but be careful they do not correspond exactly to version 8 any more, and in particular all the operation of the scripts has changed. Until I publish this documentation, you can learn from what I already wrote on FixMKVGaps: the operation of the scripts is similar for both software.