Under the Preferences tab you determine how the Preferences, ie all the ImageGrab settings, will be saved for you to find them again the next time you use the application. ImageGrab’s preferences include not only the options, but also any other parameter and setting you have set when using the application, in the its different panels.
If you choose Normal Mode, preferences will be saved in the Windows registry.
If you choose Portable Mode then the preferences will be saved in an imagegrab.ini file located in the folder from where you launched ImageGrab. If you launched ImageGrab with the normal installation process, it will be: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ ImageGrab .
If you choose Do not save when quit, then no trace of ImageGrab preferences will be retained in the registry or any folder. In this case, when you leave ImageGrab, you will be asked to confirm that you do not want to save the preferences.